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Get ready for Drupal 9

Drupal 9 is the first major Drupal release that doesn’t require a rewrite of your applications. The big change is that deprecated parts of the CMS are simply being taken out. The Drupal ‘ecosystem’ has announced these deprecations in advance, which means almost all the code we write in Drupal 8 sites are also Drupal 9-ready.

What does this mean? When the Drupal project deprecates something in the Drupal core, it doesn’t always mean that piece of functionality is leaving Drupal. Instead, it often means there is a more modern way of accomplishing that outcome, so we choose to remove the old way to keep your Drupal project lean and clean.

Book a Drupal 9-ready site audit

Full Fat Things has been building projects in a Drupal 9-ready way for a long time, as well as being one of the top contributing companies to the Drupal project globally. We have tools in place to tell us where a current project is not Drupal 9-ready, so that we can remedy this and make your next major version upgrade simpler.

We can help you get ready for Drupal 9 by looking at both your core Drupal application and any extensions and modules you have plugged in. Contact us to book a Drupal 9 readiness audit and to find out how we could help transition your applications for the new opportunities that come with Drupal 9.