Drupal site audits
By people who know Drupal inside out
No two websites are alike. And neither are our audit teams. Instead, every Full Fat Things audit is carried out by a specially chosen team.
A Drupal site audit is likely to be the first thing we ever do for you. We’ll always do one if you want us to undertake maintenance, support or development. Or maybe an audit is all you need for now.
Either way, the combined experience of the Full Fat Things team makes us the ideal choice for assessing the health of your website. Many of us are trusted members of the Drupal open source ecosystem. Between us, we know Drupal inside out.
We’ve also been around long enough to know that no two apps are alike. So instead of having a static audit team, every Full Fat Things audit is carried out by a group of developers chosen especially to match your setup and needs. We all build sites for a living and we all understand real-world situations and difficulties.
Our team can provide a wider range of audits as well, looking at everything that contributes to making your site work well.
And if you’re not sure what you need, but just know things could be better – and let’s face it, we’ve all been there – we can help with that too.
Our site audit menu
We offer a range of audits including:
- Drupal health
- Drupal security
- Readiness for Drupal 9
- Readiness for migration to Drupal
- Drupal roles and permissions, and what that means for your business
- Internal developer talent
- Infrastructure
Choose one or more and we’ll confirm timescales and costs. Or talk to us about your general concerns and/or future plans, and we’ll recommend which audits to undertake.
Management or investors putting you under pressure? We can also do audits to prove the health of your site and/or infrastructure, and its readiness for business growth.

Drupal health audit
How well built is your Drupal site?
If we make some changes, what benefits could you reap? And what problems will you face without any alterations?
How scalable is it? And how is its performance likely to change as your business grows?
Our developers love answering real-world questions like these. And that’s what our health audits are designed to provide. But we can be as technical as you want in our reports – just let us know what suits you best.

Drupal security audit
In a Drupal security audit, we’ll check for security issues in your code. We’ll look at the privileges and security access of your staff and customers. And we’ll check whether your previous software company has modified any upstream Drupal code that would make upgrading and maintaining harder. We’ll also check for any security implications relating to future development and deployment plans.
Uniquely (we believe), we offer advice on GDPR compliance in terms of dealing with personally identifiable information outside your production environments.

Drupal 9 readiness
Drupal 9 was released in June 2020 and we recommend upgrading to take advantage of its improved functionality and to avoid any end-of-life issues relating to Drupal 8.
Is your site ready for Drupal 9? Give us access to your code and we can assess the scope of work you’ll have to undertake to upgrade to Drupal 9. We won’t sugar-coat things, as that doesn’t help anyone. Instead, we’ll tell you just how hard it will be – or not, if that’s the case.
If you’re serious about a potential future upgrade to Drupal 9, we can also supply a proposal to move your site to a ‘Full Fat Things Drupal 9 ready’ configuration.

Drupal offers many benefits, including being a great platform for eCommerce applications. Drupal user experience is always highly rated.
Our developers can clarify exactly what you would need to do in order to migrate to Drupal. Again, we can then provide a proposal showing how we can move your site to Drupal in a ‘Full Fat Things Drupal 9 ready’ configuration.
Drupal roles and permissions
It’s vital that every user of your site – internal as well as external – has appropriate permissions according to their ‘role’. You wouldn’t want a subscriber to be able to post articles on your site, for example, or a marketing manager to inadvertently expose customer data to hackers.
We’ll check that every role has the correct permissions and make recommendations where these should change, particularly if there are security risks.
Drupal developer talent audit
We know we’ve said this before, but we’re all a bit obsessed with Drupal at Full Fat Things. As a result, we like nothing more than to help other Drupal teams be as effective as possible.
We also know that, as with every other platform, not all Drupal sites are the same high standard. That can happen for a variety of reasons.
You may have built or extended your Drupal site internally, or your team may have changed. Unfortunately, some companies don’t construct Drupal sites in a ‘best practice’ fashion or develop any extensions to match the quality and style of the original.
We can review your implementation and advise on methods to reduce its complexity. We can also identify any oddities that should be cleaned.
Finally – and this is something close to our hearts – we can mentor your developers in modern Drupal approaches. Longer term, internal IT support and mentoring is something we can provide as part of a Drupal maintenance package.
Infrastructure audit
The condition of your overall infrastructure is as important as your Drupal implementation. For example, are you running a WAF (web application framework)? Are your ports protected? We can run a comprehensive audit of your infrastructure and advise on where the holes are and how best to fix them.
Talk to us about your Drupal Site Audit
Contact us for detailed timescales and prices of any of these audits, or for a more general conversation about how our audits can boost your business.